Welcome to the Show!
Your Health Revolution Podcast (formerly The Family Health Revolution Podcast) brings the wisdom and support of coach Carla Atherton, Revolutionary Mama and Director of the Healthy Family Formula, to you in 15-30 minute soundbites. Speaking from her vast experience in holistic, functional, and lifestyle medicine and her years as a mother, educator, and family health coach, Carla shares what she has learned about what makes our families unwell and what to do to get them not only well again, but thriving. Delving into a plethora of topics from chronic conditions to medical systems to true holism to mind/body/spirit to environment and social considerations and lifestyle factors like diet, rest, exercise, and sleep, Carla leads listeners into and through their own family health revolution.
This podcast is not about what you should do, but what you can do.
Find a new episode every Monday at this link on Anchor, Apple Podcast, Spotify, and most everywhere you can listen to podcasts!
About Carla: Carla Atherton is the Director of the Healthy Family Formula and the HFF Practitioner Training Academy, Host and Producer of the Children’s Health Summit, Author of Family Health Revolution, Health Empowerment Coach, Holistic Family Health Consultant, and children’s health advocate. Spurred on by the love for her three glorious children, Carla’s mission is to support families to achieve their best health through information, guidance, and empowerment.

Latest Episode

Episode #50: Rites of Passage: Our Girls
Episode Description: Part 2 of my Rites of Passage podcast. Body image, feminine disempowerment, social distraction…Are our girls in our western culture missing something? Is the solution the direction and guidance we can provide through tradition, rites of passage, and mentorship — inspiring ways we can help our children to reclaim their intrinsic power? Yes, and yes!
Will be published on Monday!
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Episode #49: Rites of Passage: Our Boys
Episode Description: Gaming, addiction, depression, aggression, discontent…Are our boys in our western culture missing something? Is the solution the direction and guidance we can provide through tradition, rites of passage, and mentorship — inspiring ways we can help our children to reclaim their intrinsic power? Yes, and yes!

Episode #44: Introduction to Carla Atherton Inspired
Episode Description: Introducing my new website www.carlaathertoninspired.com, sister to www.healthyfamilyformula.com!
Did you know that I’m a health empowerment coach, poet, workshop facilitator, & compulsive creator. I show people how to move from dis-ease into true health empowerment through my Shift Method, programs, & creative work. I synthesize information, curate experience, & facilitate integration to empower people to enjoy deep wellness, vital health, & ecstatic joy in the everyday?
Well, it’s time you found out!

Episode #45: Take Back Your Health and Power NOW
Episode Description: Do you want to take back your health and power? Do you want to level up your own health so that you can better help others? Listen to the audio of my new program and join us!

Episode #46: Charting Your Success with Billy Thompson
Episode Description: Also released in video format on my YouTube channel (Healthy Family Formula)! Click here: https://youtu.be/ec2yPQfIaUs
View this inspiring interview to find out more about charting your own success in business and life! AND to get the goods on Billy’s new book about just that! Charting Success: Walking Away from the Lie to Find Your Success is Billy Thompson’s harrowing story of grit, drive, and redefining success on our own terms. Billy’s account of how he overcame growing up in an unstable, unpredictable, highly stressful world of systemic poverty, tragedy, mental struggle, and substance abuse to break (and continue to break) the rules of what Billy calls the “rigged game” is a light shining on the possibilities for us all.

Episode #47: What If What I Did Was Wrong? Recognizing and Letting Go of The Guilt of Doing What You Were Told Was Best for Your Child
Episode Description: In our society, we have been told we need experts to advise us about everything, including how to parent our children and how to ensure they are healthy and well. Support is well and good, but what happens when we stop listening to ourselves or when the advice we are given is not good or leading to health and wellbeing? In this session, Coach Carla blows guilt and shame out of the water so parents can be empowered to do better, be better for their children by unearthing their intuition and wisdom.

Episode #48: Healing Our Families-Opting Out of Systems, Re-Membering the Family
Episode Description: In this session, Carla talks about why our socially created systems of government, education, and healthcare can fail us and how a return to the family and community systems (or should we say “organisms”) is the answer we are looking for regarding self-governance, lifelong and inspired education, and true health.

Episode #43: Shift from Dis-Ease into Kick-Ass Health Session 2: Are You the Spider or the Fly?
Episode Description: Each of us has the power over the creation of our own reality and exercise it at every moment, whether we are aware of it or not. I ask you, are you the spider creating your own reality, or the fly, trapped in a reality you unwittingly create? Listen to me read the second instalment of an 11-part series of articles that will continue to appear in Brainz Magazine online throughout the year. Read this first article here: https://www.brainzmagazine.com/executive-contributor/Carla-Atherton

Episode #42: Empty Nest
Episode Description: The youngest of our children moved out this past week, and my heart is raw and split open. I invite you to listen to my musings about becoming a new emptynester, and the grief, wonder, and reflection that can come at this time in a mother’s life.

Episode #41: Shift from Dis-ease to Kick-Ass Health Session 1
Episode Description: Disease has fallen out of my vocabulary over the last 6 months. I have replaced it with the word “dis-ease” which is much more accurate when referring to both uncomfortable physical and mental/emotional experience. Listen to this podcast to find out what the difference is and how a shift in perspective, and hence your approach, can help you to get deeply well. Listen to me read the first instalment of an 11-part series of articles that will appear in Brainz Magazine online throughout the year. Read the article series here.

Episode #40: Healing Through The Written Word
Episode Description: We all want to be understood, connected, loved, safe within the tribe, even the hardest among us, the warriors, the introverts, and the ones who seem to need nothing and nobody. Writing is a way to allow for that connection, to know thyself, to make sense of the world, and to see the beauty in all things, no matter the circumstance. For young and old, writing allows for an empowered and awe-filled experience of life. Join Carla as she discusses the impact writing has had in her own life and those of her clients and students over the last 24 years and how it can impact you.

Episode #39: SPECIAL EPISODE! The New Psychology Program Intro FULL Sample Session with Students
Episode Description: Listen to this sample session (with students) of Carla’s new group program, The New Psychology, and gain a revolutionary new perspective on how to redefine and reclaim mental/emotional and physical health!

Episode #38: Fundamental Shifts for Health Recovery
Episode Description: When you embark on your health recovery, your healing, the reversal of chronic dis-ease, or more accurately, before you move into a new manifestation of your health, into your health realization, START HERE!

Episode #37: Become the Peaceful Warrior
About this Episode: Do you want to bring it in life and become stronger, more resilient in both body and mind yet also calm and at peace? Then listen to this short but sweet coaching session with Carla!

Episode #36: The Many Many Many Benefits of Yoga
About this Episode: I reconnected with an old homeschooling friend one day for tea at her place back in 2012, a few months after my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and during an increasingly difficult time for my family. She told me I should register for her yoga teacher training. Teacher? I didn’t even have that on my radar. But I agreed. I needed to do it for many more reasons than my physical health. I knew that. So, I registered, of course, and committed to 10 weekends over the course of 10 months of dragging my kids to the city so I could spend hundreds of hours practicing both physical and mental yoga. I embarked on a journey not only of my physical self but my mental, emotional, and spiritual self. I liked and disliked my friend-turned-teacher at the same time, feeling unimportant, small, and sorry for myself as the whole experience pulled me apart then helped me put myself back together, weekend after weekend. I trained not for any arbitrary competition or gain but for the very practice of living. I learned how to be strong and to focus so I could “bring it” when I needed to be ready, no matter what life threw at me. I learned to catch myself before I slid away into ill health; before I settled for a new normal way before my time. Physical engagement, and in particular, yoga, saved me and continues to save me. Join me as I walk you through the many benefits of yoga, hopefully inspiring you to train your body, mind, and heart for the art of living!

Episode #35: You Are Not Mentally Ill: Deep Dive Into Mental, Emotional, Soulful Wellness
In this episode, Carla shifts our current view of difficult mental and emotional experiences from pathology to a deep dive, to a soulful exploration into wholeness, wellness, and freedom from the seeming permanence of a mental health diagnosis.

Episode #34: SPECIAL EPISODE! Parenting: From Tough Love to Enough Love
This episode is a release of an interview Carla did with Kaeli Van Regan to mine Carla’s brain for quotes for Kaeli’s book Parenting: From Tough Love to Enough Love. It was such a great interview that I wanted to release it here and now! Kaeli and I discuss many of the topics I am deeply passionate about such as allowing our kids the space to become who they are, concepts of lifelong learning, and empowered parenting without coercion or oppression. LOVE THIS interview, so I dug it up from the archives for you!

Episode #33: Why It Takes Courage to Heal
In this episode, Carla explores the reasons why it takes courage to heal. Fear of the unknown. What if I’m wrong? My health is better left to people who are smarter, know more, or have sat through more lectures than I have. Do we really need a PhD to manage our own health? Or do we heal by becoming autonomous in our healthcare decisions and empowered in our agency?

Episode #32: Healthy Mama Healthy Baby Live: Program Trailer!
We are gearing up for the NEW and hyper-exciting Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby program to be delivered in February! Don’t wait to register!

Episode #31: Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby
In this episode, Carla passionately discusses how to have healthy pregnancies, births, and post-natal experiences. Topics she moves through:
Lost wisdom
Pregnancy and childbirth are not a medical emergency
Fear has been woven into the experience disempowering women
Medicalization has been pushed onto women
Return to intuition and natural processes and knowing
“Normal” vs. natural
Return to flow and confidence
Natural Mama Language; Self-care
Incubation, integration, awakening, choice, intuition, reflection, flow
Why Carla is so passionate about this:
Reduce dependence on the medical profession, return to our natural rhythms, become empowered, remind us of our innate wisdom, become wholly healthier and raise healthy children for a healthier future for us all.

Episode #30: 2022 Suite of Programs and Registration
In this episode, Carla announces the exciting line-up of her Healthy Family Formula programs for 2022 designed to empower you to take your health back!

Episode #29: Alleviate SAD, ADHD, Learning and Focus Struggles, Depression, and Anxiety with Light
Carla explains mal-illumination (the unhealthy light we are exposed to most of the time we are indoors), the importance of light for our health and wellbeing, and how exposure to healthy light can alleviate SAD, ADHD, learning and focus struggles, depression, anxiety, and so much more!
Find out more about the SOL PhotoVite tool on the Science of Light Website here. And be sure to use my coupon code, HFF, for $50 off.

Episode #28: Special Episode: Family Health Revolution the Book, Audio Sections 1 and 2
Carla reads the first two sections of her inspiring and empowering book Family Health Revolution: The Definitive Approach to Elevating Your Family’s Health! Listen NOW!

Episode #27: Building a New Health Paradigm that Is Truly for the “Better Good”
Our healthcare systems are not that old, but boy, are they tired, an inevitable scenario when something takes exponential strength, time, and energy to “make work,” does not deal with problems but temporary fixes, ultimately becoming broken, ineffective, unsustainable. These systems are failing our families who are increasingly sick, in body, mind, and spirit. Carla discusses how to build new ones in ways that are truly for the better good!

Episode #26: The Brain, the Vagus Nerve, the Gut and the Immune System: Psychoneuroimmunology Explained with Bonus Meditation
How do stress, the brain, and our immune system interact in order to create either good health and a balanced emotional state or chronic illness, depression, and anxiety. Carla explains it all in this episode. AND to give you a tool to gain more control over your health and wellbeing, there is a bonus recording of Carla’s NEW Catch Your Breath Guided Meditation at the end of the podcast.

Episode #25: Special Episode: Type 1 Diabetes, Your Child, and Fundamentals for Healing
Carla’s mission for family health began with a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis of one of her children, but it certainly didn’t end there. Despite the obstacles of insufficient information and support, Carla has since created a model of health that transcends any diagnosis. Join Carla as she outlines how you can take the reins on Type 1 Diabetes.

Episode #24: Is Giving Up Our Medical Freedom Really for the Better Good?
Is giving up our medical freedom really for the better good? Join Carla as she discusses what is really going in our culture, society, systems, and government to create the situation where we even need to ask that question.

Episode #23: Grief and Loss
We all experience grief and loss at some time in our lives. And at this time in history, we are experiencing events that can collectively be considered a global trauma, and we cannot escape grief, loss, or the fear of experiencing either one. In this episode, Carla explores the process of grief and how we can support ourselves and each other in movement through and beyond.

Episode #22: Deep Rooted Origins of Dis-Ease, Addiction, and Chronic Illness
There is always a reason for chronic illness, addictions, and dis-ease. In this episode, Carla walks you through those origins so that, once uncovered, they no longer drive the fate of your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Episode #21: SPECIAL EPISODE: Breaking Old Patterns and Defining New Roles
Listen to this recorded session of our recent Clubhouse live chat where special guest and host of The Secrets to Radiant Health Suzanne Roth-Paul joins Carla to discuss how busy women and mothers can move from a life of stress and overwhelm to empowerment and creativity by breaking old patterns and defining new roles.
This Clubhouse live chat was recorded with the permission of all of the participants.

Episode #20: Planting Seeds: Teaching Self-Care to Your Children
How do we teach our children and teens to take good care of their minds and bodies in an overwhelming, distracting world so far from the true nature of human health and existence? Where do parents find our power, and in turn, allow our children to find theirs? Listen to find out!

Episode #19: How to Avoid or Heal from Burn-Out: Practicing Extreme Self-Care for Parents and Professionals
In this episode, Carla discusses a topic near and dear to her heart: caring for the caregiver, both as a professional caregiver as well as in your personal life. This session is chock full of strategies, insight, and inspiration!

Episode #18: Super-overwhelmed to Superhuman: More Solutions
In this episode, Carla discusses even more strategies for busy women, mothers, and caregivers to move from a life of stress and overwhelm to empowerment and creativity. Empowerment coaching, body awareness, energy medicine, meditation, and more!

Episode #17: Immunity 101: The Toolkit Part 3
This episode concludes (for now) the discussion about how to balance the immune system in order to prevent and recover from various infections including bacteria and viruses. Topics today: more heavy-hitting immune system supplement superstars.

Episode #16: SPECIAL EPISODE: Move from Super-Overwhelmed to Superwoman Without Sacrificing Your Active Life and Insatiable Passions
Listen to this recorded session of our recent Clubhouse live chat where special guest and host of The Secrets to Radiant Health Suzanne Roth-Paul joins Carla to discuss how busy women and mothers can move from a life of stress and overwhelm to empowerment and creativity.
This Clubhouse live chat was recorded with the permission of all of the participants.

Episode #15: Immunity 101: The Toolkit Part 2
This episode continues the discussion about how to balance the immune system in order to prevent and recover from various infections including bacteria and viruses. Topics today: environment and the immune system supplement superstars.

Episode #14: Immune System 101: The Toolkit Part 1
In this episode, launching from Episode 13 where Carla went through the immune system–the science of its function–this episode continues the discussion about how to balance the immune system in order to prevent and recover from various infections including bacteria and viruses. Topics today: prevention, toxins, lifestyle, and the mind/body.

Episode #13: Immune System 101
In this episode, Carla goes through the immune system–the science of its function–and starts the discussion about how to balance the immune system in order to prevent and recover from various infections.

Episode #12: Origins of Dis-Ease and the Usual Suspects
In this episode, Carla defines the concept of root cause resolution, illustrates how deficiencies and toxicity are always factors in ill health, identifies varying stressors, and exposes the Usual Suspects of our environments and lifestyle choices that cause all dis-ease and illness.

Episode #11: How Our Culture Drives Addiction in Both Adults and Youth
In this episode, Carla demonstrates how addictions are a result of our culture and not about individual fault or imperfection. By redefining addiction, exploring the many faces of addiction, pointing out the varying causes, and naming the ways in which both adults can children become addicted to substances and behaviours, we can better understand and then overcome the habits and behaviours that are detracting from our health.

Episode #10: Screens and Media: Seeing the Problem and Finding Solutions
In this episode, Carla continues our discussion about screentime’s effects on the health of our children, helps parents assess whether it’s a problem for your family, and if so, what are the solutions?

Episode #9: How Screens and Media Dumb Down Our Children
In this episode, Carla runs through the detrimental effects of media, electronics, and EMF radiation that our children are exposed to every day through their interaction with screens and answers the questions: are screens and media dumbing us down? Is our use of technology excessive, and if so, what health conditions is this excess creating? Depression? Anxiety? Learning Disabilities? Tantrums? ADHD? Autoimmunity? Find out if it is affecting your family!

Episode #8: Supplement Superstars
In this episode, Carla explains when it is appropriate to supplement and why and explores her top picks for the nutrients that are the best bang for your buck.

Episode #7: Rules of Supplementation
In this episode, Carla takes you though the minefield of supplementation: what supplements are safe and for whom, if there are supplements that are essential, which ones to buy, and whether supplementing even necessary for everyone. Learn how to confidently choose the right supplements for your family.

Episode #6: The Only Food Rules
In this episode, Carla runs through the only food rules: what we should be eating and feeding our families to reach the best health possible. Is it paleo? Keto? Sugar-free? Is there one perfect diet that fits all? What is bioindividuality? Find out in this episode.

Episode #5: Lifestyle Medicine and Our Basic Human Needs
Episode Description: In this episode, Carla runs through what Lifestyle Medicine is, specifics on how we can use Lifestyle Medicine to attain our basic human needs, and how these practices are foundational to overall physical health and mental wellness.

Episode #4: Why Your Family Health Coach May Be More Important Than Your Doctor
Episode Description: In this episode, Carla explains what a health coach is, why your family may need one, and why that person may be the most important support you have on your family’s healthcare team.

Episode #3: Reclaiming Our Mental Health: Both Adults and Our Children
Episode Description: In this episode, Carla unpacks our current conventional approach, model, and “treatment” of mental and emotional dis-ease and offers a fresh perspective that will enable people (both adults and their children) to regain and maintain mental and emotional wellness.

Episode #2: Our Current Healthcare Model/Standard of Care
Episode Description: In this episode, Carla delves into what we expect from our current medical model and explores ways we can evolve from those antiquated beliefs and systems into a new model of family healthcare.

Episode #1: My Story to Our Story: Intro to the Family Health Revolution Podcast
Episode Description: Carla introduces the podcast and what was the catalyst for not only the podcast’s production but also behind the Healthy Family Formula, her books, and her coaching practice.