HFF Insiders Q and A

Why do you need a program like the Healthy Family Formula?

Do you need support? Guidance? Information about specific health challenges? Reassurance and inspiration? Research and evidence? You know what you need. I am here to offer you what I have gathered so that you can choose what combination is right for you.

How does the Healthy Family Formula work, and how might it benefit me and my family?

Members access the core program materials and the rest of the materials are time released. Members get weekly emails, access to the Q and A sessions, access to databases and research, parent and teen handbooks, discounts on the programs built by our experts, and a whole lot more with the option to do some one-on-one work with me.


We have a public home on the web as well as in a private members’ area where all of the materials are housed. We also have a brand new facebook group! Be among the first to join!


Learn more about the program and become a member here!


Why are we membership-based?


  1. Because it is most affordable for you and for me. For you because, for the cost of one doctor’s visit, one car tune-up, one health coaching session, or one dinner and a movie night for the family, one month’s membership will get you thousands of dollars of educational materials, coaching, and support for your entire family


  1. So that we can be highly efficient in our programming and delivery. Our library of pre-produced educational materials give you the information you need and frees me to focus on answering your questions, leading the Q and A sessions, supporting our community through our facebook groups and support groups, and producing more materials, webinars, and partnerships with other experts we bring on board who can further help your family.


  1. So that you can access, a la carte whatever programs or services you need at any given time. You do not need to do it all or access it all, but you most certainly can if you want or need to!


  1. So that you can be a member for as long as you need our services and can cancel at any time.


  1. So that our practice is more to people and gives more to people than information but is a supportive, engaged community of fellow parents and caregivers.


  1. So we can afford to create the materials and provide the services parents are asking for.


In other words, we use a membership model so we can efficiently provide the best services to many many people. We have created a community, a home, a soft place to land where there are real people and an army of motivated parents like yourself who are there to cheer you on.


Learn more about the program and become a member here!


Why this program?

Simply put, this program is unlike anything else I have ever seen. This is why I created it: to fill a gaping hole in what is being offered by way f support to families. I created it from my heart and out of my sincere mission to address our decline in health and to see less families struggling.


I do not sell snake oil. I am not trying to make a quick buck. I created everything that you see here, myself, chose every piece of information, every expert, every single scrap of research, tried it myself and put it all together for all of us to benefit. All of us.


This program is dynamic, with a vibrant community, designed to grow and expand indefinitely. In other words, I am here for the long haul.


You can go to certain healthcare professionals for excellent health information. You can go to websites for recipes and resources and research studies. You can do all the research you could possibly want to do by reading and synthesizing thousands of articles and studies on the web and in libraries. You can get individual health coaching, source lab testing, gather information from varying classes and workshops and support groups. But where else will you get all of that, and MORE, in one place with a focus on family health?


There are many many people who want to help families overcome health challenges like the ones my own family faced, but it is a monumental task to do this one by one by one. There is just not enough time in the day, for you or your healthcare team, to do all of that.


The Healthy Family Formula aids your team by providing the information and support they may not be able to provide in the time they have to spend with you. It aids yo by providing instant access to the information and guidance you may need access to right now.


For example, we educate about chiropractic care and what health issues it can address, therefore, your chiropractor can focus on their adjustments. This is why we are bringing so many brilliant minds together in a one-stop-shop for your family’s health.


Can’t I get this information for free on the internet or though my doctor?

What I do is put it all together, research cutting-edge information about functional, holistic health, provide plans and guides, organize your care so that it is affordable and effective. We collectively take out all of the barriers to health and empower each other with hope, inspiration, and proper information.


You are already a level 1 FREE member for signing up for our newsletter. Yay! I’m so happy to have you here! So, you may be wondering why be a paid member?


Um, because it’s awesome?! Actually it is a lot more than that. Your paid membership will give you access to a whole world of healthcare tools and services and will:


-enable us to continue to produce and provide you with quality materials. No one can work for free and feed their families at the same time. We need to keep the resources flowing so we can do more work for more families!


-gain you perks, discounts, and special offers and programs from our partners and family health experts.


-provide you with effective coaching, expert guidance, and deepened community support.


Why me?

No, this isn’t a lament, but a straight-up question. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but…no, actually, I do! I am a warrior parent, like you, and I have come through a lot. And I want you to know who I am and what I can do for your family. Because what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and I ain’t even close to being dead, yet!


Through my education, life experience, and insatiable thirst for knowledge, I have learned a thing or two. I enjoy researching and creating programs, creating whole systems out of moving parts, bringing people together who have varying talents and areas of expertise to reduce discomfort and increase quality of life. I enjoy being a health detective, a geek, a nerd, a relentless seeker, a fierce family health advocate. I have been where you have been. And I give a crap. About your children, about your parents, about you.


What I wanted to create was a program that would educate people about health, but what it became was a family health movement!


Learn more about the program and become a member here!


What is my offer to you?

For this pilot offer to my current community members, rather than paying the regular level 2 membership of $120/month, receive a locked-in price of $60/month for life or as long as you want to retain your membership!


OR if you would like to in for the year, get your level 2 membership for a steeply discounted $600CDN for the ENTIRE year with a locked-in renewal price of $60CDN/month after your year expires!


This offer expires July 7th so I can finalize our numbers for the pilot launch!


To receive this phenomenal offer, all I ask is that you provide me with a little feedback over the summer so that we can finetune the HFF together!
Visit our member’s page to join, and watch the program grow right in front of your very eyes as we release our materials throughout the summer! NOTE: the regular prices are reported on the member page, but your discount will be reflected on the order page.


My last questions are ones for you. Why did you join our community in the first place?

What is it that you wanted to learn and experience? What did you want to know. What specific goals did you have for your own health and the health of your children? Did you want a free lesson? Some guidance or information? Did you want to connect? What made you click on the button that read: Join the Children’s Health Revolution!?


Join me in developing this program. Let us teach each other. Support each other. Reach our whys together.