Happy, Healthy Kids Motivate with Brenda Wollenberg In Balance Wellness and Weight Release Programs

For the first time in history, today’s children are predicted to have a shorter life-expectancy than their parents. Reasons vary, but include increased rates of disease, increased childhood obesity and increased environmental, emotional and physical toxicity.

Brenda Wollenberg is a 25-year veteran wellness advocate who, along with her Kids in Balance (KIB) partners, helps families minimize excess weight and maximize good energy, concentration and mood. Looking for a little help on the family wellness front? Then click HERE to access KIB’s free “that’s why we can’t lose weight” Veggie Metabolic Quiz, super fun and simple to follow Lickety-Split Lunches Guide and hope-inspiring Live Toxin Free Family Assessment.

Once you’ve checked out KIB’s great gifts, if you know the next step is to discover their safe, simple and sustainable approach to total family wellness and a healthy weight range, then check out details of their online, virtually supported, guaranteed Happy, Healthy Kids program HERE. You’ll find a small sampling of what’s inside their 250 page step-by-step e-Book plus info on the revolutionary BALANCE principles that form the basis for 8 modules of video instruction on safeguarding your family’s health–and even reversing current wellness challenges.

Most wellness and weight release programs advocate less food and more exercise, and follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, Kids in Balance’s educational, courage-infusing and support-packed program helps you create a personalized, eat until your comfortably full, and smarter activity inheritance of health.

In the words of KIB dad, Dave: Big shout out to Brenda and her team for being such a great influence and fountain of nutritional knowledge for our family! Making healthier and well-informed choices one day at a time has made a huge positive impact in our family . . . if you and your family haven’t participated in all of the goodies Brenda and her professional team have to offer, I highly recommend you stop procrastinating and get on it!!

View some of brenda’s videos to get a taste of the course.

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